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27 Proven Ways to Increase your e-Commerce Conversion Rate

E-Commerce websites always focus on strategies to increasing web traffic but does it help in sales conversion? The answer is “Yes” but it comes with its own limitation. The actual sales conversion that happens by purely driving traffic to a website is very limited. If you wonder about what is actually needed to increase the conversion rate of a website then you must understand it is nothing but the user engagement model you employ!

But what is user engagement model?

What is User Engagement Model?

Like the term suggest, User Engagement Model, is not really a complex model – but the focus on understanding and analyzing how your website visitors engages your with your online store and then make changes that may help you convert more visitors into buyer. With the help of the same, the e-commerce business can attract a lot more visitors to buy, and buy more from you!

So if you understand how your website visitors engages with your website, you can improve your store’s conversion rate. Yes, that’s Right! I will shortly show you how using the following proven strategies that will help you improve your store’s conversion rate:

1. Use the Right E-Commerce Analytic Tool to understand how your visitors engage with your store

You can’t improve what you can’t measure! Make sure to use a good analytic tool for your e-commerce website.

You need to track how your visitors engages with your website, what pages they visits, how often they visits, how they arrive at your website, what actions they take, what actions they perform on your site, when and why they leave your website. (more…)

How Google Crawls and Indexes Web Pages

Have you ever wondered how Google search works when you are finding something on Google?

Do you know when you are searching on Google, you are not actually searching on web? Instead you are actually searching into Google’s index of the web!

If you don’t know how Google crawls and indexing works, then you should. Why? Because it affects how well your site ranks on Google.

In order to help you understand the same so you can improve your rankings, let me share you a following infographic on How Google crawls and Indexes Web Pages.

Courtesy of: Quick Sprout


If Google can’t efficiently crawl your website, your rankings will tank. By making things easier for the search engine, you’ll increase the likelihood of your pages being crawled and, more importantly, indexed.

Make sure you avoid the 7 mistakes above and check robots.txt files. It’s the little things that can affect your rankings in a negative way.

nopAccelerate 2.7 released for nopCommerce 3.50

We are happy to announce the release of latest version for nopAccelerate – Solr integration plugin for nopCommerce; nopAccelerate Search – Advanced Search Plugin for nopCommerce which supports nopCommerce 3.50.

The newer version of nopAccelerate includes several new features enhancements and bug fixes.

What’s New in nopAccelerate?

  • Added support for nopCommerce 3.50
  • Now nopAccelerate is compatible with Apache Solr 4.10.2
  • Enhanced Search – Diacritics character are now supported in search terms
  • Enhanced Search – You can now select default search operator (AND / OR) for search query
  • Enhanced Search – You can now define Minimum Should Match criteria for search result – Minimun-Should-Match
  • Enhanced Search – Added Vendor filter on search result page
  • Added Infinite Scrolling for all Catalog Pages (Manufacturer, Category, Tags and Search Result Page)
  • Added support for State aware URLs using HTML5 History State API, so filtering now supports deep bookmarking and the browser’s back button
  • Added Filters on manufacturer page
  • Several Bug fixes

Please read the full release notes here.

It’s time for you to upgrade to the latest version. For those who haven’t yet tried nopAccelerate, start with taking a free trial here. Moreover, we do offer nopAccelerate plugins with full source code under enterprise license.

nopAccelerate is now official solution partner of nopCommerce

nopcommerce logoWe are glad to announce that nopAccelerate is now a Silver Solution Partner of nopCommerce, one of the best and fastest growing e-commerce platform for asp dot net.

We are happy to announce that nopAccelerate (a business unit focused to serve nopCommerce related services) is now official partner of nopCommerce. Xcellence-IT has been serving its customers under the trade name of nopAccelerate and also offers plugins, theme development and customization services for nopCommerce.

NopAccelerate has been offering best-in-class e-commerce solutions to its clients across the globe for the last 2+ year using nopCommerce. The partnership will enable nopAccelerate to offer its clients reliable and professional nopCommerce development services.

How to add CSS and JS resource files into nopCommerce Plugin Views

If you are a nopCommerce developer you will definitely come across a situation where you need to add a custom resource files like CSS and JS to your nopCommerce plugin’s view files.

For most developers working on the nopCommerce for the first time, the simplest way to add such files is to directly add their references into plugin’s view files. However, this is highly not recommended. For your nopCommerce plugin to work correctly, you need to ensure that you’re using the standard way to add your resources.

If you already know, nopCommerce do a bundling of the JS and CSS files on the fly for performance optimization. However, if you’re using a direct link to resource files, it won’t include your JS and CSS files during bundling. Moreover, there may be chances of other issues as well.

So here are the simple steps for you to add your custom resource files into your nopCommerce plugin’s view files.

Before you begin, you should have a well organized plugin folder structure. For CSS you can use Content folder, and for storing your JS files, you may use Script folder. Here is the screen shot from one of the existing plugin of nopCommerce.

nopcommerce plugin folder structure

Screenshot of nopCommerce Plugin Folder – Displaying how to organize your CSS and JS files

Move your CSS and JS files into appropriate folder. It is not compulsory to follow this folder structure, but if you’re using standard structure then it becomes easier for your and others working on it in future, and you don’t need to remember where you stored it.

Now, to load resource files correctly you need to add its references into your plugin’s view files.

You can use Html.AddScriptParts() or Html.AddCssFileParts() helper methods.

  • Html.AddCssFileParts() method has two parameters first is optional and second is required.
  • Html.AddScriptParts() method has three parameters first and third is optional and second is required.

You can check into more details about this methods by going to its definition in your nopCommerce projects.

Coming to the point, here is how you can add resources into your Plugin’s view file.

//Loading CSS file
Html.AddCssFileParts(ResourceLocation.Head, "~/Plugins/{PluginName}/Content/{CSSFileName.Css}");

//Loading js file
//Third parameter value indicating whether to exclude this script from bundling
Html.AddScriptParts(ResourceLocation.Foot, "~/Plugins/{PluginName}/Scripts/{JSFileName.js}", true);


If you want to add resource link in the header then you can use ResourceLocation.Head and for footer you can use ResourceLocation.Foot. Note that you need to give correct plugin name and resource file name in above, and then it will work.

If you have any question, make sure to post your issue at nopCommerce forum. And if you’re looking for professional nopCommerce development company, make sure to checkout the amazing nopCommerce services we offer.

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